How to set time limits for sharing Google Drive links

    Note: Please read the article carefully before doing it! If in the process of using you have any errors, such as a link download error, slow loading blog, or not accessing a certain page on the blog ... then please inform me. here slightly. Thanks!
    In the era of booming information technology, young people are in the habit of using online storage services (cloud storage service) like Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox ... to save store your personal documents, and simultaneously synchronize data between these accounts and your computer so you can work more conveniently.

    But sharing too much on Google Drive Unlimited accounts (unlimited accounts) that you have purchased from third parties will easily lead to a permanent account lock and loss of documents. saved.
    Yes, to avoid unnecessary risks, in today's article I will guide you with a small trick, allowing you to limit the time to share the Google Drive File link with anyone.
    This means that the link to download documents / files ... that you share with someone, sharing on certain forums will only live until the time you allow. Because normally, by default, the Google Drive links you share will be immortal if you don't delete them.

    Instructions for setting time limits for Link sharing on Google Drive

    + Step 1: Firstly, you can accesthis link ! => then click on QUYỀN XEM LẠI.
    hotline-link-se-link-google-drive (1)
    + Step 2: Then choose to log in to your Google Drive Unlimited account.
    hot-link-se-link-google-drive (2)
    + Step 3: Next, click CHO PHÉPto grant permission to Google Drive Expirationmanage the sharing and limit the sharing time for files on Drive.
    gioi-chia-se-link-google-drive (3)
    + Step 4: After the authorization is completed, you will be redirected to the Web site, here you click OPEN DRIVEto open your Drive.
    hot-link-se-link-google-drive (4)
    + Step 5: At the dialog box Select a file or folder=> click on the file on the Drive that you want to share and click Select.
    han-time-chia-se-link-google-drive (5)
    + Step 6: Next Step 3you choose the number of hours. Or, the day, month and year you want to limit sharing. Then click to select SET EXPIRATION.
    hot-link-se-link-google-drive (6)
    + Step 7: After creating a time limit to share the file successfully => you right-click the file title => and select Copy link address to share the file to friends or any whoever you want.
    The link will automatically cancel when the time is up.
    hotline-share-se-link-google-drive (7)
    Ok, so I just finished guiding you to control tips, set the time limit to share the link Google Drive to help protect the data on your Google Drive Unlimited account already. Avoid violating Google Drive policy, and permanently lock your account.

    Hope this article will be useful to you. Good luck !
    CTV: Luong Trung - Blogchiasekienthuc

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